At Kashmir Healthcare Systems we offer a range of comprehensive waste management services to both Large and Small Quantity Generators.

Our expertise extends to the management of Infectious, Hazardous, and Universal Waste, providing tailored solutions for each waste stream.

Our Motive

Kashmir healthcare system provides comprehensive infectious waste disposal service to environmentally responsible management of bio medical waste for the health care communities.

Our technicians are highly trained and educated in the many requirements, processes, and safety measures schedule and work around your needs KHCS provides comprehensive infectious, Hazardous and Universal Waste management services to a broad range of Large and Small Quality generators. Our expertise will help you identify the most cost effective and environmentally responsible strategies to recycle, treat and/ or dispose of any waste stream.

You will get the
perfect solutions with our proficient services.

Biomedical Waste collection

We are providing waste collection service to all clients ranging from 24 hrs to 48 hrs...

Barcode waste bags for BMW handling

Provision of colored bags as per BMWR-2016 for storage and transport of biomedical waste...

Recycling and Resource Recovery

Embracing the principles of sustainability, we prioritize recycling and resource recovery in our operations. Through advanced techniques and innovative processes, we strive to minimize waste sent to landfills and maximize the recovery of valuable materials, promoting circular economy practices.


Happy Customers


Issues Solved

15 Year

Years of experience


No of hospitals served

Our Clients
